Monday, August 08, 2011

On the Streets of Oxford

“Under ordinary circumstances a daring, reckless, determined Commanding Officer can make himself known to 30,000 people in less than three days” (ORDERS AND REGULATIONS. 1879? Section 1:17).

I read this order from Major Stephen Courts blog. It's an inspiring order from around 1879 (you can read a New Zealand newspaper report from 1883 in which Booth himself quotes O&Rs for Officers.

Ok... so you know me.... I've been working on how to be daring, reckless and determined so that Oxford Corps can make itself known to 30,000 people in 3 days.

Still working on this but.... Here's a simple, not-so-daring, hardly-reckless and easy way to "make yourself known". For the past 5 months a few Soldiers and Junior Soldiers have stood at the street corner by our Army hall with the flag and signs that read HOPE, JOY and PEACE. We do 30 minutes knee drill followed by 20 minutes standing on the street followed by our 10.30 Holiness meeting.

Here's the stats as we see them

1) We pray a blessing on everyone as they drive by.
2) in 20 minutes on this road approximately 1,500 people see our signs.
3) After a few weeks of doing this a few people in their cars started waving and hooting their car horns in support. After a few months every 4th car does this. (People know the Army is in town)
4) We stand next to a bus stop and have engaged with well over 50 people.
5) We have prayed on the street with several.
6) We have had opportunity to tell the gospel to 5 people.
6) We now visit the address of 1 person in real need of practical and spiritual help.
7) 5 Christians from another Church in town turned up one Sunday morning for worship because they "wanted to know what was going on".
8) It "fires up" our own Soldiers and friends as they gather for worship as they drive past.
9) and we've only just started...

And the COST of this ? About £4.50 in paper and card and getting up for knee drill for 9.30. Easy!

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Are you Happy Saved and Free

I had the great privilege of preaching and leading the Salvation meeting at Swindon Corps on Sunday and what a wonderful group of people I met. Thank you and Praise God.

I was preaching on "How to get deep roots?" Parable of the sower - seed on rocky ground - trouble comes - no deep roots - believer falls away and is lost.

There's an old Salvation Army declaration of "I'm Happy Saved and Free" and we don't use it much these days. Well I'm going to use it more and more in greeting people especially Christians. Too many Christians get saved and that's it. They never experience the JOY (Happiness) or FREEdom from sin that a close walk with Jesus brings. So many reasons why this is but sin is the key one. We do things that displease God.

So the answer....?
  • Choose to BE A DISCIPLE (not just follow - the rich young ruler followed Jesus around)
  • BE DISCIPLED by joining a cell group, house group, ward system, discipleship group (not enough time or enough intimacy on Sunday meetings to do this)
  • DISCIPLE SOMEONE. Make sure that you not only are discipled but that you disciple someone else. Impart what you know and experience to help someone else. Give!
Don't just FOLLOW Jesus but accept His invitation INTO HIS LIFE.